Sunday, April 13, 2008

RA Citi Bank Ad Citi to City

“From City to Citi”, andvertisement from citi bank found here. proclaims this Citi Bank advertisement, while an antique suitcase proudly displays decals and stickers from a few of the most reknown musical festivals in America. Unsurprisingly, this ad runs in Spin magazine, a magazine catering to the beatnik and the more-than-casual disciple of the music scene. In fact, there are few average people out there that would be able to even recognize all of the events displayed, let alone claim to have attended them all. Thus, the audience that this ad is targeting is those people of a younger age who get their kicks by city-hopping to various fields and desert locations in order to rock out with a few good, and many, many bad bands at festivals. There is certinaly a more suttle target audience here from citi to city meaning, is not so much targeted at the people who would use this bag as much as business men who also go from city to city and will need to count on the fact that thety will have access to thier money without ATM fees.

The advertisement, while simple, accurately and effectively speaks to its target audience: the slogan is short, but communicates much: “You are on the road constantly, driving all around the country chasing your favorite bands, and we know that this takes money.” “Why not bank with us, and we’ll worry about the funds. You just enjoy the show.”

Their ethos is secure in that the amount of shows that they are dropping names about exceeds the knowledge of the mere casual concert-goer. The logos is implied in the slogan that seems to suggest that if one travels from city to city, of course they’re going to need a bank. However, the inherent logic could be a bit stronger, as most festival-jumpers are likely going to be opportunistic youths who’s fiscal concerns amount to accumulating the change from the cushions of their couches to scrounge up enough cash to cover the tickets. It makes me wonder if citi bank is really targeting its prime audience.

Fortunately, this advertisement’s strength comes from its pathos. Look at that suitcase. It is the suitcase of choice for wanderers, hitchhikers, and students. The bag is retro and well used to say the least. It fits in with and is comfortable with the fluid nature of this target audience.

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